About Techcheers

Little about me…

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

With this thought, I started this blog to express my personal experience in the world of information technology, the Web, and Innovation. As a massive consumer of technology, living and participating in the heart of India’s Silicon Valley, I am trying to deliver an unbiased approach to present today’s technology trends and tools, that opens eyes not just about what technology does today, but where it’s going.

In these years of my professional experience, I have enjoyed working, learning and listening to some of the thought leaders in the world of technology. This motivated me to start my personal blog to not only express my real life professional experiences in this field but also try to help the professionals by spreading the knowledge in various technology areas.

As a single individual, I know I can never out-write and outshout large blog networks or those who can write more frequently, with blogging more closely tied into their day jobs. I recognize that I cannot win the race of popularity or total posts. However, it gives me immense satisfaction that I am also contributing some knowledge to this advanced world of technology professionals.

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people”

About Techcheers

About Techcheers

Welcome to Techcheers.com, a website dedicated to provide various information & articles on topics in various areas of information technology, business and management.

Techcheers diverges from sticking to a small set of topics, the blog covers anything related to IT Service Management, Project Management, Analytics, New Startups, IT Tools, Applications, Software Development, Windows, Linux, WordPress, Joomla, Troubleshooting and various other interesting topics and how to tips.

The primary objective of Techcheers is to provide the articles that will help professionals in understanding above mentioned areas and also help in resolving their associated problems with 100% accurate how to tips.
Welcome to Techcheers.com….

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